Saturday, January 8, 2011

Excerpts of "Queens of the Virgins"

Great Queens of Afraka, like Nefertari, Hatshepsut, Makeda, the Candaces, Nzingha, Al-Kahina, Yaa Asantewa and many others set examples, paths and shoulders of strength as matriarchs of both patrilineal and matrilineal lineage structures for generations to come. For women and men of the Virgin Islands, Afraka and our global communities, the examples of strength, endurance, loyalty, security and spirited- intentions have continued to impact the development and maintenance of ancestral Afrakan and world civilizations for millennia. The work, contributions and actions for social change initiated by our Queens of the Virgin Islands as embodied by Queen Breffu, Queen Mary and Queen Coziah are a powerful and multi-dimensional extension of these ancestral forces and sources of strength, power, freedom and determination.

The Queens of the Virgins presented in the innerattaining & cultural education presentation produced by Per Ankh, Inc. as part of the VI Humanities Council "We The People" initiative as the first Virgin Islands Chautauqua in June 2006 included presentations of and by:

Queen Breffu, who has been recognized for her strategic leadership role in the revolution and intended independent nation of enslaved Afrakans of St. John in 1733 to 1734-Commemorated annually on November 23rd;

Queen Mary who has been recognized for her activism and social upheaval during the Great Fireburn of 1878 on St. Croix-Commemorated annually on October 1st; and

Queen Coziah who has been recognized as a forerunner of the non-violence movement for her short-lived yet powerful leadership in the Coal Worker’s Strike of 1892 on St. Thomas-Commemorated annually on September 12th.

It is important to note that the biased versions of “documentation” provided by most 18th -21st scholars has been cautiously integrated to insure that the integrity of the historical accuracy of these women may be maintained while more intensive research is still being uncovered to present a more truthful and balanced portrayal of these Queens of the Virgin Islands who represent Afrakan women as mothers, royal & common leaders, military strategists, planners, workers & laborers and more.

Queen Breffu, Queen Mary and Queen Coziah represent the ancestral, traditional, customary and contemporary essence that lies dormant amongst many women in our society and is often shunned or ostracized in our women who reflect these great women’s pioneering and championship causes for life, inspiration, freedom and education—LIFE. These women are a reflection and life-strengthened examples of RAevolutionary Afrakan Wombmyn-RAW!

Email and visit to request a link for the film trailer of "Queens of the Virgins" and to reserve your copy of the upcoming film being released in 2011.

Excerpts reprinted with permission from Per Ankh, Inc. of from “Queens of the Virgins” © 2006- a culturally historic ethno-documentary production and forthcoming film on the 18th and 19th century freedom queens, women and cultural history of the former Danish West Indies and contemporary Virgin Islands.