Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tribute to Queen Mother Mawina Sowa of AAWRU 9.11.2007

As November 2010 marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of the All African Women's Revolutionary Union [AAWRU]- the women's wing of the All African People's Revolutionary Party [AAPRP], this September 2007 tribute to Queen Mother Mawina Sowa the first global central committee coordinator of the AAWRU is being shared. May Maat be restored! May A NU Humanity be resurrected and genuine RAspect amongst women, men, children and families be forged from this point forward! Forward ever! Backward never!

A Tribute to Mama Mwt (Sacred Nurturing Mother) Mawina Sowa
From Dr. ChenziRa Kahina of Per Ankh (House of Life), St. Croix, Virgin Islands-September 6247ST/2007AD

My life (along with others in our work study circle) experienced a serious revolutionary shift in 1979 when I first heard a live presentation by Eldress Sis "Mwt" Mawina at an AAPRP program in New York. She inspired many of us to recognize the importance of women and children in the Afrakan revolution working in collaboration with our men. Mwt Mawina encouraged many of us, especially those of us who came with our "ultra-petite bourgeois thought for action" program in our lives to put our people and the needs of our Afrakan nation for the betterment of humanity first and foremost in our lives. This was quite radical for the commonly "me-phi-me" thinking process we were inundated with especially in the late 70's into the 80's. So, I continue to give honor, praise and sacred recognition to Mwt Mawina for sharing a grass roots reality check as exemplified through her actions for those of us willing to listen and adhere to the words of such a powerful, assertive yet compassionate woman who placed the people before self in many aspects of her life's work.

Whenever I reflect on Mwt Mawina, I often recall a meeting held in the then "Africa House" at City College in Harlem with many scholars and students from around the NY/NJ metropolitan area and the manner in which she brought fire to the table when some of us young sisters who were new to revolutionary thought and action nearly forgot our place with some elders that tried to deal only with theory when many of us were ready for the action part of the revolution!!! Mwt Mawina expressed to us the importance of having patience with our Afrakan people based on the centuries and millennia of miseducation imposed upon us by institutions we need to study, research and learn to struggle forward beyond. This was a hard lesson to many of us who were quite hot-headed in that early 80's period. She taught us qualities and character that encouraged revolutionary compassionate strength in our organizing work with our people and that of others who live and struggle for positive revolutionary action.

When the AAWRU formed (1980) and there were various regional meetings within the AAPRP to address its' formation and the development of curriculum for the Young Pioneers' Institute (YPI), Mwt Mawina was a formidable cornerstone of strength, wisdom and encouragement for the seemingly endless struggles endured by many for the productive and revolutionary development and maintenance of the women's union. Mwt Mawina encouraged many of us to network and collaborate in ways that we were unaware of to strengthen the longevity and positive outcomes of our YPI and AAWRU work in concert with the AAPRP. While patience is a virtue I need to still improve upon, in my younger years it was women like Mwt Mawina that provided a crystal clear example of why the revolutionary work and struggle is important in our life and for whom it will benefit for generations to come. We respect the life work and unfettered commitment shared with us and the world by Mwt Mawina.

In the interest of the many sharings that will pay tribute and homage to our great warrioress and queen (in a non-feudal context of course) Mwt Mawina I extend an excerpt of a spoken word piece I penned in 1983 after ALD in DC:

Mapindusi Nii Sasa
The Revolution is Now
The revolution is living,
You need to keep on giving...
...We need to stop imitating...
And go far beyond all the hating...
Our lives need to be more than false acting
So we evolve and stop reacting...
...We need to build stronger families
So we may be a nation more at ease...
We have divine works and maatikal truths,
That we need to share and teach to our youths....
Mapindusi Nii Sasa
The Revolution is Now

May our memories of Mwt "Sis" Mawina's work and commitment for the victorious struggle of Afraka and its people be remembered for generations upon generations as a beacon of light, revolutionary consciousness and compassionate work that we respect for its' restoration of truth, justice, order, reciprocity, balance and harmony as Ma'at! May Mwt "Sis" Mawina's work and life struggles continue to be an integral part of the interwoven threads of our people's legacy for positive change and revolutionary action!!! Aluta Continua

Originally published in AAWRU RAW QM Mawina Sowa Tribute publications- All Rights Reserved 2007.

Excerpts of Fiyahbun of St. Croix Commentary Oct1.2008

Excerpts of A Commentary on St. Croix Fiyahbun and US Bailout 2008

On October 1st, 2008, in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, a revolutionary gathering and reenactment in commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the Great Fiyahbun of 1878 happened. This gathering of 99.9% Afrakans of St. Croix and the Afrakan Diaspora honoring the women and men who fought for our post-emancipation in the then Danish West Indies was powerful. The gathering of brothers and sisters carrying fire torches through the streets of Freedom City Frederiksted where the great Fiyahbun started over 130 years ago as the Afrakan laborers mostly cane field workers knew that "the time have come for us to start doing something." A principle cause of the 1878 Fiyahbun was labor and economic injustices against the people of African ancestry who were primarily cane field workers—common people. More than 100 years later, we are faced with another series of injustices in our labor resources and economy as our US government continues to pay the elite no matter what harm this brings to the common people of this nation. As you can see, this behavior is nothing new.

The philosophy and hope of every citizen of the USA, and its’ territories, being granted liberty, justice, security and the pursuit of happiness has been on a downhill roller coaster ride for many years. The concept of “We the People” and “the people are the government” has been clarified for who the “We” really are and how “the government” is an organized criminal syndicate that disrespects, bamboozles, degrades, ignores and oppresses the citizenry of this nation globally marketed as the “home of the brave” that supports freedom and democracy for all. Time for the truth to be told is of essence.

Our communities,especially PanAfrakan organizers and our people everywhere, need to take action to restore social, economic and political order in this nation. Please take a moment and write down how this drastic change in the USA economy has affected you, your family and your future generations. Please write to your local, national (US) and global (UN/AU) representatives who have been forced to support a measure orchestrated within “ a den of imperialist thieves”. The consistent web of deceit being spun by our leaders and invisible financial aristocracy that forces our well-meaning leaders to bail out the rich at the cost of destroying the very fabric of civility against the middle class and poor is outright criminal and carries an air of treason against the people of the USA. National extortion, embezzlement, treason and economic bondage are supposed to be crimes punishable by “the laws” of this nation. Our elected leaders and ultra-wealthy translucent rulers are now showing their carnivorous teeth before our children and all of humanity as they place in action their legitimate and legal acts of thievery, nepotism and fiefdom against the human rights and interests of the people of the USA.

The “Rescue Bailout” by the government of the USA on behalf of the few and select wealthy rulers, corporations, banks, financial institutions and foreign interests of this nation, while willfully ignoring the basic health, education, labor, housing and other social NEEDS of the people of the USA is a clear message to all of us-especially to the PanAfrakanists forging forward for reparations and resources for repatriation for our experience through the horrific and historic Maangamizi subjected to our ancestors with 21st century remnants still in effect. That this economic meltdown production has been directed and filmed to take place exactly one month before a major presidential election where the key candidate that is qualified, capable and loyal to this nation (by western traditional educational institutional standards plus more) is a man of African ancestry is not by accident. The devastating drop in stock values in Wall Street in September & October of 2008 reveals the fear & financial terrorism tactics the invisible rulers, the money-moguls, the investors, the bankers, the financial wizards etc.—the real governmental rulers of this nation, have in regards to revolutionary change the people of the USA desire in our day-to-day lives, in our leadership, and in our relations with other nations with a President like Barack Obama who really represents the last vestiges of decency, loyalty and honor in the context of being an least to some people.

For the record, whoever wins on November 4th, 2008 will not be a total cure for the diseases of injustice, racism, economic deprivation, indigenous & human rights violations and other ills affecting our people. Whoever wins will not replace the sacred spiritual intervention of our Creator in providing genuine resolve, repair, sa-ankhtified intention and healing to the conditions mankind has plagued the earth with in such a short amount of time.

On this matter, please be open to the message and bring no further harm to the messenger. I encourage everyone to send letters of your concerns and perspectives with constructive solutions for how WE THE PEOPLE may proactively repair this vicious economic assault and financial terrorism launched against us. The US government needs to be placed on notice that WE THE PEOPLE need a Rescue Plan that benefits all of us not just the folks that have annual salaries of $5,000,000.00 or more. This nation's economic and social fabric in the USA is dying while wearing a mask of stability, liberty, freedom and justice for all. The lies, treason-filled thievery and treachery against the people of the USA especially people of Afrakan ancestry needs to stop. When financial moguls make mistakes and lose money we are not to be forced to pay for their errors as they continue to have a 10-car garage and a dozen homes all over the earth. The capitalist economy has reached its peak of diminishing return and is swiftly declining as evidenced by the current meltdown of the system. It is time for another Rescue Plan from this present form of governance and economic structure that is genuinely humanistic and environmentally sustainable for, by and with WE THE PEOPLE.

Since the US government is able to print more money at will, thanks to Mr. Paulson’s total control of the US Treasury granted by elected leaders and the background producer-rulers of this "reality show", perhaps we may encourage our leaders (the few real ones remaining who have integrity and loyalty to our people) to bail WE THE PEOPLE of the USA and abroad out of the economic and political chaos we have been subjected to. Why should we pay taxes to bailout the ultra-wealthy while many live an exclusive life as expatriates in nations where the US dollar has value? Why has the USA government failed to bailout the people of this country when they needed "rescue"? This recent action may serve as a precedent that WE THE PEOPLE may demand a "Bailout" from the US Government too! The people of the USA have grown, sown, harvested, smelled and drank the coffee. It is time to wake up. This crisis affects all of us—among all classes, races, religions and more. Our families need to gather to secure our food resources, our sustainable energy needs, revisit & secure our acquisition of land resources with cooperative and communal focus, and we need to work on solidifying our principled unity for our survival. In US history, when the wealthy ask for a break in the form of a bailout or "economic reparations" for their "institutional losses", it is done on the backs, sweat, life and "futures" of the non-wealthy. It is time to take action. "The impact this action has on the PanAfrakan movement in Amerika and the Afrakan Diaspora demands immediate non-reactionary organizing for revolutionary change by our people."[Kahina:2007]

Just do it now for the betterment of our future generations.
The principles of Maat are truth, justice, order, reciprocity, balance, harmony & righteousness.
May Maat be restored!
Shared through HmtNtchrt ChenziRa
October 1.2008
Originally published on Living In Black [LIB] Network

Excerpts of Autumn 2004 Statement to Ghana Trade Expo

Excerpts of International Statement to Ghana Trade Expo-Atlanta, Georgia September 2004

Hotep (Peace) to All Initiators, Planners, Practitioners & Business Participants of the Ghana Expo 2004:

We have reached a zenith in our global development as Afrakan people that requires we reclaim a productive fusion of our ancient, traditional and contemporary socio-kultural and socio-economical perspectives and programmes for the benefit of the larger populace of Afrakans—at home and abroad…

Our indigenosity to Afraka as the Diasporic descendants of those who survived the centuries of atrocities imposed against Afrakans, makes it imperative that we speak on behalf of all of the innocent ancestors whose lives were lost before, during and after the forced migration from continental Afraka to the western hemisphere and abroad. We are descendants of sovereign nations in exile and we need our land and resources to rebuild our nations. “When you take away a people’s land, you take away their nation. You take away their birthright. You might as well take away a woman’s womb and tell her, ‘Go ahead and have some more children.’ It’s impossible. No land, no nation.” —From Who Betrayed the World African Revolution by Dr. John Henrik Clarke (1995) Something must be done to rectify this situation as there tends to be no mention of what Afrakan people have genuinely been through that serve as a foundation of our current socio-economic and psycho-kultural imbalances.

At present, Afrakan nation states need to consider resolving internal family issues amongst the Afrakans within the continent of Afraka and the Afrakans within the Diaspora—BEFORE they invite other nations and rayces to reap and harvest the fruits and resources of our ancestral continental homeland. This needs to be explored and clearly defined in order to minimize the common limitations and lack of access to the socio-economic benefits of the natural resources of Afraka and Afrakans who were exploited during the Arabian—Afrakan and European-Afrakan-American tri-contintental TransAtlantic enslavement experiences and slave economic systems. Essentially, we need to address our familial splits and unresolved issues FIRST before we open the doors of opportunities to everyone else. There will be no HOTEP (peace) without MAAT—truth, order, reciprocity, balance and divine innerstanding. There will not be any genuine peace amongst Afrakans at home or abroad until our internal family imbalances are positively addressed and productively resolved.

Since Afrakans were forced from our continental homes we need constructive and free access to the resources necessary for the rebuilding of our communities, nations and civilization. Since we were torn unethically and unjustly from our social, economic, cultural and spiritual environments and our ancestors never had a chance to return home to reclaim what is rightfully theirs—we as their descendants have a right to reclaim the land of our ancestors in Afraka. We have the right to open access of our ancestral lands that are currently being exploited and sold primarily to the highest bidders without any recourse or input from the genuine heirs of most of these properties. We are divinely and huemanely entitled to reclaim our ancestral national throne.

Until the land, resources and access issues are MAATIKALLY and adequately addressed amongst Afrakans globally—until MAAT is restored for those ancestors and their descendants who experienced and are still experiencing that suffering—Afraka will not be free because our ancestors will not rest.

We need to look at what was the purpose of this great tragic atrocity as the “MAANGAMIZI” ~a great disaster or catastrophe perpetuated towards a person or a people deliberately for planned destruction—for the injustices and enslavement experiences of Afrakans were more than a “MAAFA”~a great or natural disaster (Mfundishi :2006). We need to remember the millions of Afrakans whose lives were sacrificed during those imbalanced and unmaatikal (unjust) times of the Afrakan enslavement and holocaust experiences. Is it in vain that so many families died or were torn apart or nations usurped and leaders exiled? There must be a greater purpose to those sacrifices. It must be that a purpose is beginning to unfold as Afrakans within the Diaspora need to work with Afrakans at home—in MAAT and not exploitatively—for the re-unification, re-birth and re-civilization of a proactive, internationally sound and harmonious Afraka.

It appears that our current nation states in Afraka are building and supporting economic trade and social developments based on failing European or western standards and constructs that are beneficial for only a few and not for the whole village. It is reminiscent of the paramount chiefs inviting foreigners to come and take the loaves that they want as long as some crumbs are left for a chosen few to exploit and benefit from—even at the loss of body, mind, spirit and soul of the many.

…We need to have land and its’ natural resources—debt free—to restore a semblance of genuine global economic stability—especially amongst the millions of Afrakans within the Americas, the Caribbean nation states and elsewhere with unaddressed living and survival issues. We have some serious house cleaning to do before we discuss, implement and explore what Afrakan nation states project they will or will not do regarding the reapportioning of land or importation/exportation of resources within the continent which genuinely belongs to Afrakans at home & ABROAD. We need to erase the historical divisiveness perpetuated amongst Afrakans by Afrakans, Arabs, Europeans, Americans and others during our collective falling away from MAAT.

Afrakans lost civil and human right codes of conduct during the historic exile and migrations, and this led to us moving into barbarism and the human slave trade historically engaged in and benefited by Afrakans—especially at home. Every fort on the shores of Afraka is a symbol and reminder of the hydrocaust of chattel slavery. The landlessness of Afrakans within the Diaspora should not exist. Especially, as there are many non-Afrakans buying and owning millions of acres of land being sold to them by the present caretakers and misguided stewards of our ancestral inheritances. This must stop. As we represent sovereign nations in exile, our Afrakan ancestors will not rest until we establish: “Sovereignty of every African mind…state…soul…land & natural resource…Sovereignty that shall free everything we call our own from continuous looting and exploitation by the mighty and powerful well into the 21st century and beyond.” From Resolution of the African Civil Rights Movement by Godfrey Binaisa (Former President of Uganda) of ACRM & The Schiller Institute (2001)

The congenitally inhumane and uncivil are unable to genuinely support, initiate or maintain civil and human rights amongst Afrakans—or even within the global community. Greed coupled with gun-god bomb solutions have led to serious indoctrination experiences that may terminate the effectiveness of our international trade and economic agreements.

We need our Afrakan continental and Diasporic families and caretakers of our homeland to know that we give tua ankhs (living thanks) for them coming to the west to reconnect with the descendants of our ancestral homeland. We need:
1. Restitution for the wrongs committed against our ancestors that have lasting effects in the 21st century;
2. Reparations and access to our legally inherited royal throne and resources for our nation and civilization reconstruction efforts;
3. Repatriation opportunities for Diasporic Afrakans who desire to return to our ancestral homelands; and
4. The Restoration of MAAT and Maatikal compensation for all the hueman and civil rights violations experienced by our Afrakan ancestors and descendents—especially during the Maangamizi of the TransAtlantic enslavement experience

Smai Tawi represents the oldest historical terminology or phrase for PanAfricanism. According to the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke:

“I define Pan-Africanism as any effort on the part of African people to reclaim any portion of Africa that has been taken away, mutilated, misunderstood, or misinterpreted by a non-African to the detriment of Africa. Therefore, my definition goes beyond the word, “Pan”, which means “all”. When I look back at the historical role and the historical manifestations of Pan Africanism, I deal with the first organized society in the Nile Valley, when the people of the South and the people of the North (the Upper and the Lower Nile) came together to roam a country now known to the world as Egypt…The unification of the Upper Nile and the Lower Nile was an act of Pan-Africanism, putting a portion of Africa together for the whole of Africa to be together.”—From Who Betrayed the African World Revolution (1995)
Smai Tawi represents the oldest indigenous Afrakan Nubian Kushianu Khamitik Heritage (ANKKH) unified nation. Smai Tawi is a concept of spiritual, cultural, social and philosophical unity that transcends politics. Smai Tawi means divine unity on multiple levels of complementariness and correspondence.

This international message is being shared on behalf of the many Afrakan ancestors, elders, contemporaries and the unborn who desire the prostablishment of the hueman, universal and spiritual rights of our people—who are unable to attend this historic Afrakan continental and Diasporic session of unity.

In MAAT (truth, order, reciprocity, balance & harmony), Djhty (divine thought and wisdom)—
We extend Ankh, Udja em Seneb to All (Life, Strength and Wellness)—09.18.04

Note: A collective of scribes/writers of Per Ankh em Smai Tawi, Smai Tawi Ankh Ascension Renaissance & other ANKKH temple initiates shared in the composition of this statement with approved editing and rasynthesis by MwtDrChenziRa.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Wellness for Women: A Concise Note

Holistic Health Keys For Women & Liberation
By ChenziRa D. Kahina, MS, NHD, PhD
A Concise Note shared during African Liberation Month-May 2010

Holistic health and wellness for women are central to the work, vision, mission and purpose of any family, village, community and nation. Holistic retreat intensives for women support our ability to realign, restore, resurrect and harmonize our femininity through multiple healing traditions, practices and natural retreat activities that may be integrated into one’s life on a daily basis. Holistic Health for Indigenous Afrakan women includes a basic respect for sacred principles of AST (Sacred Nurturing & Compassionate Mother Principles) within our lives. AST principles represent positive feminine elements of nurturing, mothering, sacred intention, proactive natural ascension, respectful maternal and sister relationships, loyalty and energetic healing to self, family, community and nation. As an “ankh” is a “key of life”, let’s explore our holistic wellness ankhs!

Holistic Health Keys women are encouraged to embrace in our lives are:
•Assess and Know Our Body—Learn the elements of air, fire, earth and water “AFEW”
•Engage in womb nurturing and self-healing practices (“Our wombs are our wombniverse!)
•Think positive thoughts and celebrate life
•Strengthen our spiritual practices for sacred ascension (Women are sacred spiritual beings!)
•Eat wholesome foods with a positive attitude (Just leave the inorganic junk foods alone!)
•Exercise on a regular basis (Minimum 30 minutes daily!)
•Drink water to keep our body hydrated (Minimum 6-8oz glasses daily)
•Visit and celebrate nature as often as possible (When was your last seabath or nature walk?)
•Nurture positive relations with our self, life partners, family and community
•Work with a certified health care practitioner that KNOWS and LIVES in alignment with practices that support women’s wellness
•Embrace “each one teach one as each one heals one” to LIVE UP©!

For more information, email or visit and share a message or request!

Excerpts of "Queens of the Virgins" All Rights Reserved-PAI 2006

This commentary represents Excerpts reprinted with permission from Per Ankh, Inc. of from “Queens of the Virgins” © 2006- a culturally historic ethno-documentary production and forthcoming film on the 18th and 19th century freedom queens and women of the former Danish West Indies and contemporary Virgin Islands.
To support and promote this effort please email .

Great Queens of Afraka, like Nefertari, Hatshepsut, Makeda, the Candaces, Nzingha, Al-Kahina, Yaa Asantewa and many others set examples, paths and shoulders of strength as matriarchs of both patrilineal and matrilineal lineage structures for generations to come for women and men of the Virgin Islands that continue to have global impact. The work, contributions and actions for social change initiated by our Queens of the Virgin Islands as embodied by Queen Breffu, Queen Mary and Queen Coziah are a powerful and multi-dimensional extension of these ancestral forces and sources of strength, power, freedom and determination.

The Queens of this VI Chautauqua 2006 includes presentations of and by:
Queen Breffu, who has been recognized for her hidden leadership role in the revolt of enslaved Afrakans of St. John November 23rd, 1733 - May 1734;
Queen Mary who has been recognized for her activism and social upheaval during the Great Fireburn of October 1st, 1878 on St. Croix; and
Queen Coziah who has been recognized as a forerunner of the non-violence movement for her short-lived yet powerful leadership in the Coal Worker’s Strike of September 12th, 1892 on St. Thomas.

It is important to note that the biased versions of “documentation” provided by most 18th -21st scholars has been cautiously integrated to insure that the integrity of the historical accuracy of these women may be maintained while more intensive research is still being uncovered to present a more truthful and balanced portrayal of these Queens of the Virgin Islands.

Queen Breffu, Queen Mary and Queen Coziah represent the ancestral, traditional, customary and contemporary essence that lies dormant amongst many women in our society and is often shunned or ostracized in our women who reflect these great women’s pioneering and championship causes for life, inspiration, freedom and education—LIFE.
A Chautauqua is a community presentation that highlights the collaboration and integration of art, culture, language, tradition, spirituality and education in a manner that enhances understanding and humanitarian comraderie amongst all members of our communities. So, get ready to share and participate in our historic opening of our 1st VI Chautauqua!

While contemporary historians and scholars identify at least six (6) women as historical Queens of the VI, it is important to note that there were many more women who earned the title as “queens” in various aspects of pre and post-colonial Virgin Islands’ society. From ancestral times, Afrakan culture and the nations of long-standing strength, were and are matrilineal and in limited instances matriarchal in societal hierarchy. So, it is common for women to be recognized as “queens”. It is customary and part of the cultural traditions of people of Afrakan ancestry to honor women as “queens” based on their leadership, service to the people of their respective community, spiritual & healing gifts, and for their enduring strength as the mothers, nurturers, warriors, healers and caretakers of our communities in Afraka and abroad that have benefited as well as challenged humanity.

The Queens of the Virgin Islands that are being brought to life in tonight’s Chautauqua represent and embody the principles of leadership, compassion, aggressive force, firm nurturing, political indifference, tribalism and ethnic prejudice along with spiritual transformation. These principled qualities are uniquely integrated into the personality, character traits and actions for change exemplified by each of these women of the 18th and 19th centuries respectively. It is important to note that these Queens of the Virgin Islands endured tremendous hardships that were imposed upon them and in some instances imposed by them at the detriment of the human principles of liberty, self-determination, justice and freedom in many circumstances. Despite many extended obstacles within their paths by societal institutions that were inhumane, our VI, national and international communities have immortalized and in some instances negatively romanticized these Queens of the Virgin Islands into the 21st century.
Our Queens of these Beloved Virgin Islands represent women of strength, anger, displaced rage, ethnic imbalance, leadership, arrogance, aggression, compassion, intolerance, non-violence, endurance, humility and a plethora of other human qualities, principles and characteristics. At least for some, these women who we honor and acknowledge as queens reflect and exemplify a spirited emancipation that has permeated a liberating vibration that existed in ancient times, through pre-colonial America, throughout the transition from feudalism to mercantilism to industrialism and capitalism, throughout the enslavement experience & still is present in the 21st century.

To support and promote this ethnographic film documentary initiative and project, please email or

Reprinted with permission from Per Ankh, Inc.—All Rights Reserved—Copyright © 2006
In Maat, please cite the sources if any aspect of this information is used in any electronic, printed, digital or other format. Dua em Asante Sana!

Commentary to NPS & US Secretary of the Interior for St. Croix Heritage Area Designation 2009.2010

This commentary was submitted to the US National Park Service and Secretary of the Department of the Interior to support St. Croix, Virgin Islands being selected and designated as a National Heritage Area.

"Our land, resources, historic treasures, flora, fauna and environment of these beloved, pristine and culturally-enriched Virgin Islands are for, by and of the people into perpetuity and must be protected, conserved, preserved and healed for future generations!"

1. What benefits and concerns do you think a National Heritage Area designation would bring to your community?
Response: The benefits of the cultural isle of St. Croix being designated as a National Heritage Area are many to include the positive and respectful national acknowledgement of the ancestral, indigenous, native and transmigrated traditions, values, mores, living practices shared among our multi-cultural and multi-dimensional natives, residents and visitors to this community. Several benefits may include: a) Support for indigenous Native Ameridian cultural heritage and its' integrated impact upon the ancestral, pre-industrial and contemporary lifestyle practices of the people of St. Croix and the preservation (although limited) of the archaeological artifacts available for exhibition and further study for generations to come; b)Genuine respect for the global, national and regional contributions of Afraka and her people to the isle of St. Croix's labor, cultural, agricultural, social, educational and tradition-bearing resources that have influenced virtually every vestige of Crucian traditions, familial lineage, folklore, fine & performing arts, social developments, humanitarian values and much more that are still apparent in the 21st century; c) Support for the preservation and heritage initiatives for young natives, residents and visitors to engage in educational excursions that highlight Crucian culture, arts, spirituality and technology as they have influenced, changed and enhanced the social, economic, political and human resources & manifestations therein of the mainland United States, the entire Caribbean region and international affairs pre-Columbian interaction through to the present;and d)Enhance and ascend the respect, unique importance, cultural heritage, preservation-centered intrinsic values and pride of the people of St. Croix who are linked to St. Croix by ancestral, indigenous, extended spiritual, permanent residence, physical work, respectful alliance or some other manner.

The community's concerns of a NHA designation for St. Croix may be based on how will this transformation impact on the day-to-day lifestyles of the residents and natives (via ancestral, indigenous, birth-right, extended family linkages Most folks are struggling to survive the major socio-economic changes on St. Croix in 2008 and have little interest or time to discuss yet another study on the life, history, heritage or whatever of St. Croix. Hence, many may not elect to participate in the community outreach initiated at this time in the form of town meetings for a multiplicity of reasons although many share their comments on radio shows and informally in the community. St. Croix people like personal attention which requires that we go out to the PEOPLE and inquiry and integrate their blood, sweat, tears and interests into the very core of this new feasibility study. Another principal concern is who will operate, manage and coordinate the affairs of this new NHA designation and whether or not the local residents and native stakeholders will genuinely benefit from this shift or will it be another project that primarily benefits external or temporal residents.

Note: This form needs to be made readily available to the greater populace of St. Croix via newspapers/ads/brochures immediately.

2. What traditions, customs, beliefs, and folklife set St. Croix apart from all other places?
St. Croix has historically been regarded as the cultural breadbasket of the US Virgin Islands. During the heights of the TransAtlantic Enslavement Period, St. Croix represented the agricultural and labor breadbasket of the Caribbean. St. Croix's traditional folklore, spiritual mileaux, cultural heritage customs and traditions are highlighted as international & Caribbean crossroads of commerce, trade, history and survival that has endured centuries of external influence and internal modifications that have insured the historic "kallaloo" or melting pot existence of our community.

Several traditional practices that provide exemplary justification and rationale for St. Croix's NHA designation include yet are not limited to: a) The traditional cultural dances and music of St. Croix that have endured the test of enslavement, social banning, internal ostracization and disrespect for Afrakan rooted traditions; b) Caiso, cariso, quelbe,"scratch" and fusion musical traditions share the folklore and traditional heritage orally through music; c) Bamboula, mokojumbies, maskaraiders, quadrille and related interpretive dance step styles have endured so much social and public criticism that it's primarily the dance traditions that were historically accepted and legally allowed by the former colonial leaders and enslavers of Afrakans along with indentured Europeans that have become regarded as "acceptable" cultural tradition practices up to 2008. St. Croix's versions of these dances are uniquely set apart from how they are practiced in other Caribbean isles and abroad including St. Thomas; d) The medicinal folklore and traditions of the herbalist and natural health practitioners "bush women" or "Bush doctors" and others who historically used traditional agricultural remedies for the ills of the community pre-enslavement to the present along with those that integrated the conventional medical practices to excel in the fields of medicine, science, botany, agrisciences and much more. Note: St. Croix has different flora, fauna, animal and mineral life than our surrounding isles which needs to be highlighted, celebrated and preserved; and e)St. Croix has a unique historic relationship with Afraka which needs to stop being addressed apologetically and needs to celebrated within all levels of our social blocks of our community which may be enhanced with proper planning and respectful informational supports within the NHA designation process.

St. Croix's NHA designation may serve as a catalyst of the resurgence of social interpretation and public acceptance of the sacred and spiritual Afrakan traditional dance, music and folkloric practices of St. Croix. This will be extended to the inclusion of living villages where the historic traditions, cultural heritage and preservation of folkloric lifestyles of St. Croix may be enacted and exhibited in select areas on St. Croix so that visitors, residents and natives may share in a genuine glimpse and embrace of traditional experiences first-hand in an ethnographically and historically accurate manner.

3. What are the unique natural and cultural sites that tell the nationally important stories of St. Croix? Please explain why they are significant.
As their are a multiplicity of documents that share the unique qualities and significance of respective natural and cultural sites on St. Croix, this response will first recommend the entities or agencies that may be directly interviewed or recommended for inclusion in the St. Croix NHA Feasibility Study outreach. Organizations/Groups to obtain additional information from include yet are not limited to: a)St. Croix Landmarks Society; b) St. Croix Environmental Association; c) CAMP/SUCCEED (which represents multiple St. Croix based NGOs and NPOs interested in preservation, environmentalism, cultural heritage, holistic health, historic traditions; d) Per Ankh Institute; e) CHANT; f) St. Croix Public Land Trust (which select members of our community elect to keep "hidden" yet they need to be introduced to the general populace so that the positive components of whatever they are doing for the people are known); g) Our Town Frederiksted (OTF); h)Frederiksted Economic Development Association (FEDA);i)Guardians of Culture; j) Caribbean Dance of the VI; k) West End Maskaraiders; l)St. Croix Sankofa for the Cultural Arts; m) many of the local cultural traditional musical groups/bands; and many others who may or may not have been asked to contribute to this study to date.

Several unique sites that celebrate the culture and natural resources of St. Croix include yet are not limited to the following: a)Maroon Sanctuary Park (Annaly Bay & Maroon Ridge community areas on northside); b)Baobab Tree in Estate Grove Place; c)Historic Ruins in Estates Oxford, Mt. Victory, Wills'Bay, Mt. Stewart, Williams & Punch; Prosperity (Plantation Estate house) and most other plantation sites that may be restored for exhibition and preservationist purposes; d)Kai & Marie Laweatz Museum; e) Whim Estate Museum Grounds (STXLS); f)Canary Mansion & Rail Tracks in Estate Whim (corner of Mahoghany near Fleming/Henry Estates); g) Restoration of Frederiksted Enterprise Zone properties; h) Sites of historic events: VI Emancipation 1848 (Fstd & Cstd Forts and select Centerline Road sites); Maroon Village 1780's to 1890's (Caledonia/Annally/North Hall/;Select grave sites throughout St. Croix; Native Ameridian sites in Salt River/Williams & Punch/Great Pond/Jacks Bay;Target Wall (Fstd Dorsch Beach Area); Salt Ponds in east & west; and many more sites that the NPS, DPNR and many others; i)Queens of St. Croix & Fiyahbun Trail (1878);j)North Hall/Creque Dam (Oral Histories from John Tranberg; and many more.

Note: Additional information will be given directly to the Office of the VI Delegate to Congress Dr. Donna Christensen.
Thank you
Dr. ChenziRa Davis Kahina

Living in Truth by MwtDrChenzIRa

Living in Truth
Created Spring 1992—Revised October 2009

We never planned to
See the bloodshed
In the present times
Where our children can
No longer feel safe in
The front of our yards…

We never anticipated
Feeling the pain
And anguish of millenniums
Of sufferation as we
Move through the 21st century…

We have yet to achieve liberation
And unification that is due us
For 500 years of confusing genocide
In a western environment that
Forgets its eastern roots…

We have many positive contributions
That the entire world
Needs to thank us
Eternally for never becoming
Extinct-despite the intentions
To have us become just that…

We need to create the foundations
For change in a world
That seems to neglect the
Poor, oppressed, young, elderly,
And those who choose to live
In union with nature
Like the ancient ones…

We are here to cleanse our society
For the betterment of all
Who intend to survive into
The future as whole beings…

We are transforming our
Lifestyles to give our
Generations to come
A reason to live
Irrespective of what alternate
Plans have been imposed upon them…

May we remain steadfast and living in truth…

Mut Dr. Seshatms of You Are Harmony with Per Ankh Institute in St. Croix October2010

E em Hotep Family Village Nation!
A concise sharing of Mut Dr. Seshatms of You Are Harmony with Per Ankh Institute October 22-25.2010

Inspirational RAstorative Ascension Work with "Harmony" are kinesthetically shared and expressed to youth, women, men and our general community during the "You Are Harmony" & "You Are A Masterpiece" empowering maat-sessions shared by MutDrSeshatms in concert with Dr. Na'im with Per Ankh Khamniversity Institute in St. Croix, Virgin Islands in October 2010.

Mwt Dr. Seshatms Maatnefert is the founder of "You Are Harmony", a business trust organization whose concept were birthed from her companies Sacred Living Ankh Netcher and K.U.S.H. (Kush-Kemet Universal Sustainable Harmony]. The objective of "You Are Harmony" is to offer simple & practical solutions that create & sustain harmony for inner circle relationships (self, mate, family) and outer circle relationships (friends, community/world affairs, work). The concepts can be applied to men & woman that seek ways to find & maintain harmony/balance between self, career & homelife.

A culmination of presentations were shared that utilized subtle energy medicine/healing therapeutics along with practical on-the-spot interactive exercises and meditations for all participants to engage, learn and benefit from. As part of an initiative hosted and organized by Per Ankh Khamniversity Institute ( ) with support from federal and local agencies: USDHHS Office of Women's Health ( via project ), Victims of Crime Assistance/ARRA, VI Law Enforcement Planning Commission, St. Croix Community Foundation & Sandcastle on the Beach Hotel interactive group sessions were conducted October 22 to 25, 2010 that provided harmonious methods of living holistically for women, men, children and families. The outcomes were remarkable in providing participants, trainers and observers alike with options and methods of restoring balance and less hurried approaches to all of life's trial, tribulations, tests and realities.

As the highlight of this work being shared in St. Croix focused on the "You Are Harmony" presentations of Mut Dr. Seshatms, the group outreach provided a host of supportive counseling and practical resources for restoring balance in our body, mind, spirit and living consciousness for health care and social work practitioners and others who represented the primary attendees at the Harmony Seminars hosted. Additionally, the community meet and greet provided an opportunity for work, recreation and spiritual rejuvenation to share sacred space simultaneously with all in attendance returning to their personal or familial spaces completely invigorated and harmoniously charged up!! The full moon in ascension helped accentuate the positive flow of energies we collectively shared right by the Caribbean seaside!! Just a MASTERPIECE!

The Harmony Seminar#2 hosted on Saturday, October 23 2010 provided an opportunity for the Community Council of Elderesses and Elders (with a few young folks sharing this space) to experience the guided meditations and spirited reflections shared in sacred words amongst all in attendance. As the highlights included using harmony strategies within the HEAL VI community initiatives being implemented in our region, Mut Dr. Seshatms served as a sacred reflection of what our eldresses and elders accepted as reminders of the work we are doing and are to ankhtinue to do! The synergy of representation from multi-dimensional socio-economic socio-cultural aspects of our St. Croix/VI community being part of these Harmony Seminars is historic, stellar and wombniversally divine!!

The family circle with many youth on the sands of Frederiksted Beach at noon on Sunday, October 24, 2010 provided NTRenergetic and Maat Harmony movement meditations led by Mut Dr. Seshatms, along with Dr. Na'im's acquisition of a live and fresh coconut after climbing his first...very tall and challenging..Caribbean coconut tree is beyond words!! The vigital images are coming soon!

Mut Dr. Seshatms and Dr. Na'im shared interactive educational group sessions of "You Are Harmony" & "You Are A Masterpiece" for secondary academic and vocational students of St. Croix Central High School and St. Croix Vocational/ Career & Technical Educational Center. The receptivity and engagement of the students is still being experienced and talked about all over campus! More time for the youth next time!

Note: This work facilitated treatment, group counseling and spiritual empowerment for primary and secondary victims of crime, healthcare professionals, youth and our general community in a multiplicity of ways. We thank the team of "You Are Harmony" for sharing harmony within our community at a time of great importance.

Per Ankh Khamniversity Institute extends ROYAL DUA to Mut Dr. Seshatms and Dr. Na'im for making time to share and provide their expertise, talents, intelligences and gifts so humbly and divinely with our St. Croix & VI community. We look forward to more collaborative and reciprocal engagements to share and restore HARMONY with MAAT locally, regionally, nationally and globally!

Ankh Udja Snb em Mer MwtDrChenziRa
Managing Director of Per Ankh Khamniversity Institute

Awesomely great and amazing the energy that has been shared by "You Are Harmony" in the Virgin Islands October 2010!
For more information visit:
For a glimpse of Per Ankh-KNOW THAT OUR ANU Websites are updating ankhsistently so:

MwtDrChenziRa to Present at Islands In Between Conference in Guyana Nov2010

Abstract for Islands in Between Conference in Guyana –November 2010
Abstract Title: Caribbean Women in Spoken Word, Poetry and Choreopoetry: Exploring the Works of Esther Phillips, Opal Palmer Adisa & Others

Abstract Description:
“Caribbean Women in Spoken Word, Poetry and Choreopoetry: Exploring the Works of Esther Phillips, Opal Palmer Adisa & Others” explores the fusion of culture, traditional folklore and oral tradition of poetic verse and its’ uses in chore-poetry presentations. Comparative explication of cultural literacy as expressed in poetic selections entitled “Priestess of Language” and “The Writer’s Escape” by Opal Palmer Adisa (Jamaica); “Just Riffing” by Esther Phillips (Barbados); and “Yo Recuerdo” by ChenziRa Davis Kahina (Republica Dominicana/St. Croix). The interconnectedness of the poetic and linguistical fluency shared amongst women of the English and Spanish speaking Caribbean isles will be presented and linked to the cultural affluence and revolutionary pro-activity shared amongst women writers within the Caribbean in the 20th and 21st centuries. The use of poetry for the development of choreo-poetry presentations that provide dramatic foundations for contemporary spoken word by women literary artists of the Caribbean with American, British & Spanish influences will be concisely explicated and excerpts of select cultural literary selections shared. Interrelationships amongst the themes of self-determination, freedom, liberation, tolerance, integration, peace and cultural expression will be shared in a scholarly, audio-vigital and literary manner.

Author’s Name: ChenziRa D. Kahina, MS, NHD, PhD
Postal Address: POB 977 Frederiksted, St. Croix VI 00841-0977
Email: or