Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tribute to Queen Mother Mawina Sowa of AAWRU 9.11.2007

As November 2010 marks the 30th anniversary of the formation of the All African Women's Revolutionary Union [AAWRU]- the women's wing of the All African People's Revolutionary Party [AAPRP], this September 2007 tribute to Queen Mother Mawina Sowa the first global central committee coordinator of the AAWRU is being shared. May Maat be restored! May A NU Humanity be resurrected and genuine RAspect amongst women, men, children and families be forged from this point forward! Forward ever! Backward never!

A Tribute to Mama Mwt (Sacred Nurturing Mother) Mawina Sowa
From Dr. ChenziRa Kahina of Per Ankh (House of Life), St. Croix, Virgin Islands-September 6247ST/2007AD

My life (along with others in our work study circle) experienced a serious revolutionary shift in 1979 when I first heard a live presentation by Eldress Sis "Mwt" Mawina at an AAPRP program in New York. She inspired many of us to recognize the importance of women and children in the Afrakan revolution working in collaboration with our men. Mwt Mawina encouraged many of us, especially those of us who came with our "ultra-petite bourgeois thought for action" program in our lives to put our people and the needs of our Afrakan nation for the betterment of humanity first and foremost in our lives. This was quite radical for the commonly "me-phi-me" thinking process we were inundated with especially in the late 70's into the 80's. So, I continue to give honor, praise and sacred recognition to Mwt Mawina for sharing a grass roots reality check as exemplified through her actions for those of us willing to listen and adhere to the words of such a powerful, assertive yet compassionate woman who placed the people before self in many aspects of her life's work.

Whenever I reflect on Mwt Mawina, I often recall a meeting held in the then "Africa House" at City College in Harlem with many scholars and students from around the NY/NJ metropolitan area and the manner in which she brought fire to the table when some of us young sisters who were new to revolutionary thought and action nearly forgot our place with some elders that tried to deal only with theory when many of us were ready for the action part of the revolution!!! Mwt Mawina expressed to us the importance of having patience with our Afrakan people based on the centuries and millennia of miseducation imposed upon us by institutions we need to study, research and learn to struggle forward beyond. This was a hard lesson to many of us who were quite hot-headed in that early 80's period. She taught us qualities and character that encouraged revolutionary compassionate strength in our organizing work with our people and that of others who live and struggle for positive revolutionary action.

When the AAWRU formed (1980) and there were various regional meetings within the AAPRP to address its' formation and the development of curriculum for the Young Pioneers' Institute (YPI), Mwt Mawina was a formidable cornerstone of strength, wisdom and encouragement for the seemingly endless struggles endured by many for the productive and revolutionary development and maintenance of the women's union. Mwt Mawina encouraged many of us to network and collaborate in ways that we were unaware of to strengthen the longevity and positive outcomes of our YPI and AAWRU work in concert with the AAPRP. While patience is a virtue I need to still improve upon, in my younger years it was women like Mwt Mawina that provided a crystal clear example of why the revolutionary work and struggle is important in our life and for whom it will benefit for generations to come. We respect the life work and unfettered commitment shared with us and the world by Mwt Mawina.

In the interest of the many sharings that will pay tribute and homage to our great warrioress and queen (in a non-feudal context of course) Mwt Mawina I extend an excerpt of a spoken word piece I penned in 1983 after ALD in DC:

Mapindusi Nii Sasa
The Revolution is Now
The revolution is living,
You need to keep on giving...
...We need to stop imitating...
And go far beyond all the hating...
Our lives need to be more than false acting
So we evolve and stop reacting...
...We need to build stronger families
So we may be a nation more at ease...
We have divine works and maatikal truths,
That we need to share and teach to our youths....
Mapindusi Nii Sasa
The Revolution is Now

May our memories of Mwt "Sis" Mawina's work and commitment for the victorious struggle of Afraka and its people be remembered for generations upon generations as a beacon of light, revolutionary consciousness and compassionate work that we respect for its' restoration of truth, justice, order, reciprocity, balance and harmony as Ma'at! May Mwt "Sis" Mawina's work and life struggles continue to be an integral part of the interwoven threads of our people's legacy for positive change and revolutionary action!!! Aluta Continua

Originally published in AAWRU RAW QM Mawina Sowa Tribute publications- All Rights Reserved 2007.

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