Excerpts of International Statement to Ghana Trade Expo-Atlanta, Georgia September 2004
Hotep (Peace) to All Initiators, Planners, Practitioners & Business Participants of the Ghana Expo 2004:
We have reached a zenith in our global development as Afrakan people that requires we reclaim a productive fusion of our ancient, traditional and contemporary socio-kultural and socio-economical perspectives and programmes for the benefit of the larger populace of Afrakans—at home and abroad…
Our indigenosity to Afraka as the Diasporic descendants of those who survived the centuries of atrocities imposed against Afrakans, makes it imperative that we speak on behalf of all of the innocent ancestors whose lives were lost before, during and after the forced migration from continental Afraka to the western hemisphere and abroad. We are descendants of sovereign nations in exile and we need our land and resources to rebuild our nations. “When you take away a people’s land, you take away their nation. You take away their birthright. You might as well take away a woman’s womb and tell her, ‘Go ahead and have some more children.’ It’s impossible. No land, no nation.” —From Who Betrayed the World African Revolution by Dr. John Henrik Clarke (1995) Something must be done to rectify this situation as there tends to be no mention of what Afrakan people have genuinely been through that serve as a foundation of our current socio-economic and psycho-kultural imbalances.
At present, Afrakan nation states need to consider resolving internal family issues amongst the Afrakans within the continent of Afraka and the Afrakans within the Diaspora—BEFORE they invite other nations and rayces to reap and harvest the fruits and resources of our ancestral continental homeland. This needs to be explored and clearly defined in order to minimize the common limitations and lack of access to the socio-economic benefits of the natural resources of Afraka and Afrakans who were exploited during the Arabian—Afrakan and European-Afrakan-American tri-contintental TransAtlantic enslavement experiences and slave economic systems. Essentially, we need to address our familial splits and unresolved issues FIRST before we open the doors of opportunities to everyone else. There will be no HOTEP (peace) without MAAT—truth, order, reciprocity, balance and divine innerstanding. There will not be any genuine peace amongst Afrakans at home or abroad until our internal family imbalances are positively addressed and productively resolved.
Since Afrakans were forced from our continental homes we need constructive and free access to the resources necessary for the rebuilding of our communities, nations and civilization. Since we were torn unethically and unjustly from our social, economic, cultural and spiritual environments and our ancestors never had a chance to return home to reclaim what is rightfully theirs—we as their descendants have a right to reclaim the land of our ancestors in Afraka. We have the right to open access of our ancestral lands that are currently being exploited and sold primarily to the highest bidders without any recourse or input from the genuine heirs of most of these properties. We are divinely and huemanely entitled to reclaim our ancestral national throne.
Until the land, resources and access issues are MAATIKALLY and adequately addressed amongst Afrakans globally—until MAAT is restored for those ancestors and their descendants who experienced and are still experiencing that suffering—Afraka will not be free because our ancestors will not rest.
We need to look at what was the purpose of this great tragic atrocity as the “MAANGAMIZI” ~a great disaster or catastrophe perpetuated towards a person or a people deliberately for planned destruction—for the injustices and enslavement experiences of Afrakans were more than a “MAAFA”~a great or natural disaster (Mfundishi :2006). We need to remember the millions of Afrakans whose lives were sacrificed during those imbalanced and unmaatikal (unjust) times of the Afrakan enslavement and holocaust experiences. Is it in vain that so many families died or were torn apart or nations usurped and leaders exiled? There must be a greater purpose to those sacrifices. It must be that a purpose is beginning to unfold as Afrakans within the Diaspora need to work with Afrakans at home—in MAAT and not exploitatively—for the re-unification, re-birth and re-civilization of a proactive, internationally sound and harmonious Afraka.
It appears that our current nation states in Afraka are building and supporting economic trade and social developments based on failing European or western standards and constructs that are beneficial for only a few and not for the whole village. It is reminiscent of the paramount chiefs inviting foreigners to come and take the loaves that they want as long as some crumbs are left for a chosen few to exploit and benefit from—even at the loss of body, mind, spirit and soul of the many.
…We need to have land and its’ natural resources—debt free—to restore a semblance of genuine global economic stability—especially amongst the millions of Afrakans within the Americas, the Caribbean nation states and elsewhere with unaddressed living and survival issues. We have some serious house cleaning to do before we discuss, implement and explore what Afrakan nation states project they will or will not do regarding the reapportioning of land or importation/exportation of resources within the continent which genuinely belongs to Afrakans at home & ABROAD. We need to erase the historical divisiveness perpetuated amongst Afrakans by Afrakans, Arabs, Europeans, Americans and others during our collective falling away from MAAT.
Afrakans lost civil and human right codes of conduct during the historic exile and migrations, and this led to us moving into barbarism and the human slave trade historically engaged in and benefited by Afrakans—especially at home. Every fort on the shores of Afraka is a symbol and reminder of the hydrocaust of chattel slavery. The landlessness of Afrakans within the Diaspora should not exist. Especially, as there are many non-Afrakans buying and owning millions of acres of land being sold to them by the present caretakers and misguided stewards of our ancestral inheritances. This must stop. As we represent sovereign nations in exile, our Afrakan ancestors will not rest until we establish: “Sovereignty of every African mind…state…soul…land & natural resource…Sovereignty that shall free everything we call our own from continuous looting and exploitation by the mighty and powerful well into the 21st century and beyond.” From Resolution of the African Civil Rights Movement by Godfrey Binaisa (Former President of Uganda) of ACRM & The Schiller Institute (2001)
The congenitally inhumane and uncivil are unable to genuinely support, initiate or maintain civil and human rights amongst Afrakans—or even within the global community. Greed coupled with gun-god bomb solutions have led to serious indoctrination experiences that may terminate the effectiveness of our international trade and economic agreements.
We need our Afrakan continental and Diasporic families and caretakers of our homeland to know that we give tua ankhs (living thanks) for them coming to the west to reconnect with the descendants of our ancestral homeland. We need:
1. Restitution for the wrongs committed against our ancestors that have lasting effects in the 21st century;
2. Reparations and access to our legally inherited royal throne and resources for our nation and civilization reconstruction efforts;
3. Repatriation opportunities for Diasporic Afrakans who desire to return to our ancestral homelands; and
4. The Restoration of MAAT and Maatikal compensation for all the hueman and civil rights violations experienced by our Afrakan ancestors and descendents—especially during the Maangamizi of the TransAtlantic enslavement experience
Smai Tawi represents the oldest historical terminology or phrase for PanAfricanism. According to the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke:
“I define Pan-Africanism as any effort on the part of African people to reclaim any portion of Africa that has been taken away, mutilated, misunderstood, or misinterpreted by a non-African to the detriment of Africa. Therefore, my definition goes beyond the word, “Pan”, which means “all”. When I look back at the historical role and the historical manifestations of Pan Africanism, I deal with the first organized society in the Nile Valley, when the people of the South and the people of the North (the Upper and the Lower Nile) came together to roam a country now known to the world as Egypt…The unification of the Upper Nile and the Lower Nile was an act of Pan-Africanism, putting a portion of Africa together for the whole of Africa to be together.”—From Who Betrayed the African World Revolution (1995)
Smai Tawi represents the oldest indigenous Afrakan Nubian Kushianu Khamitik Heritage (ANKKH) unified nation. Smai Tawi is a concept of spiritual, cultural, social and philosophical unity that transcends politics. Smai Tawi means divine unity on multiple levels of complementariness and correspondence.
This international message is being shared on behalf of the many Afrakan ancestors, elders, contemporaries and the unborn who desire the prostablishment of the hueman, universal and spiritual rights of our people—who are unable to attend this historic Afrakan continental and Diasporic session of unity.
In MAAT (truth, order, reciprocity, balance & harmony), Djhty (divine thought and wisdom)—
We extend Ankh, Udja em Seneb to All (Life, Strength and Wellness)—09.18.04
Note: A collective of scribes/writers of Per Ankh em Smai Tawi, Smai Tawi Ankh Ascension Renaissance & other ANKKH temple initiates shared in the composition of this statement with approved editing and rasynthesis by MwtDrChenziRa.
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